CRRSA Act Funding Disclosure
Final CARES Act Emergency Student Grant Funds 10-26-20Â
- Unity College acknowledges that the institution signed and returned the certification and agreement form and that the institution has used and intends to use these funds to provide the mandated amount of at least 50% of the emergency financial aid grants to students.
- The total amount of funds that the institution will receive under the HEERF student portion is $411,079.
- Of those funds, $411,079 has been distributed to students as of 08/10/2020.
- The estimated total number of students at the institution eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and therefore eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant is 595.
- The total number of students who have received an emergency financial aid grant is 578. The selected population included all students registered as a flagship campus student for the spring 2020 semester.
- The institution distributed funds to students registered for classes for the spring 2020 semester. The funds were released using the following criteria:
- Pell Grant Recipients (225): $1200
- FAFSA Filers with incomes less than $200,000 (281): $425. One student received $605 as this student was just over the Pell limit.
- 19-20 Non FAFSA Filers who filed in prior years and received some type of financial aid and incomes over $200,000 (70): $241
- Non-FAFSA Filers with no prior/current FAFSA (19): $241 awarded once we determined that these students would be eligible to receive federal financial aid.
- **Students who receive funding from their institutions are not required to record or track how it is spent.
- All funds were awarded by August 11, 2020 for spring 2020 campus-based flagship students.
- Students were notified via email that the funds were received to off-set expenses incurred through the transition to remote learning and the disruption of their campus experience. Students were encouraged to contact the Director of Student Financial Services with questions.
- Funds were posted directly to each students account and the funds were not used to off-set any balance due to the institution. Refunds were issued via ACH if a direct deposit account was on file. If not, paper checks were mailed.
- Any questions regarding this disclosure should be directed to the Director of Enterprise Financial Aid at
Institutional Share:
Unity College used the institutional portion of the funds received to implement new and enhanced information technology systems associated with its distance education program. In addition to technological improvements, the College hired additional distance education staff to assist in the enrollment process and improve the overall remote learning experience. The costs Unity College incurred in growing their distance education program far exceeded the funds received from the Cares Act and HEERF awards.
Disclosure HEERF II 4-30-21
Unity College has been awarded the following amounts as part of the HEERF II fund allocation:
$411,079 student allocation which must be spent on student awards only and $855,071 institution allocation which may be used to assist students but is available to reimburse schools for expenses/losses incurred due to covid.Â
We determined the population by pulling the most recent registration list for SP2A. We issued all funds to undergraduate students with most funds being allocated to Pell Grant Eligible students based on guidance received from the federal government. It is as follows:
- 75% (at least $308,310) awarded to pell grant eligible non-distance education students with 37.5% going to FTE enrollments and 37.5% going to headcount enrollment. Based on our academic calendar, The FTE enrollment as 3 credits is FT.
- 23% (at least $94,548) awarded to non-pell grant eligible FTE or Headcount enrollment in non-Distance Education courses prior to the emergency.
- 2% (at least $8221) awarded to pell grant eligible students enrolled exclusively in distance education courses/programs.
We determined award amounts using the following formula:
- For Hybrid Pell Eligible students: Â 154 students
- EFC Under $3001=$3000
- EFC greater than $3000=$1500
- No longer enrolled due to graduation= $500
- Students who started SP2 but were awarded at time of review followed the same EFC criteria.
- *Amount Spent $308,500 of $308,310 allocated. Â
- For Hybrid non-Pell eligible students:Â 187 students
- Awarded each student a set amount of $506
- *Amount spent $94,622 of $94,548 allocated. Â
- For Distance Education Pell eligible 0 EFC only: Â 93 students
- Awarded each student a set amount of $506
- *Amount spent $47,058 of $8221 allocated. Â
Based on this awarding formula, Unity College awarded $450,180 of the $411,079. $39,101 of the institutional share to support student awards.
Institutional Share:
$39,101 to support student awards. Unity College used the institutional portion of the funds received to implement new and enhanced information technology systems associated with its distance education program. In addition to technological improvements, the College hired additional distance education staff to assist in the enrollment process and improve the overall remote learning experience. The costs Unity College incurred in growing their distance education program far exceeded the funds received from the Cares Act and HEERF awards.
HEERF III-American Rescue Plan Allocation 03-31-2022
Unity College has been awarded the following amounts as part of the HEERF III (American Rescue Plan) fund allocation:
$1,013,047 student allocation which must be spent on student awards only and $964,125 institution allocation which may be used to assist students but is available to reimburse schools for expenses/losses incurred due to covid.
Unity College awarded funds to students registered for the 2022-SP1A-5W term. Â All funds were issued to undergraduate Pell Grant eligible Hybrid Learning students and 0 EFC Pell Eligible Distance Education students based on guidance received from the federal government.
Each student received an email confirming eligibility and were asked to provide written notification if the student wanted the funds applied to an outstanding balance with the institution. An award of $800 was applied to 1323 students’ accounts on March 31, 2022. Refunds were issued the week on April 4, 2022.
Based on this awarding formula, Unity College awarded $1,058,400 of the $1,013,047 directly to students. $45,353 of the institutional share was utilized to support these direct student awards.
Institutional Share:
$45,353 of the institutional share was utilized to support direct student awards. Unity College used the institutional portion of the funds received to implement new and enhanced information technology systems associated with its distance education program. In addition to technological improvements, the College hired additional distance education staff to assist in the enrollment process and improve the overall remote learning experience. The costs Unity College incurred in growing their distance education program far exceeded the funds received from the Cares Act and HEERF awards.
Last Updated on September 22, 2023